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Insights into GEORG DUNCKER in the maritime insurance industry

P&I Report 2024/25

We are pleased to provide you with our annual P&I Report 2024/25 in our down­load section.

Our market review briefly summa­rizes the latest deve­lo­p­ments in the P&I insu­rance market and provides you with an outlook for the upco­ming P&I (incl. reinsu­rance) rene­wals. The main section of the report analyses the key finan­cial figures of the 12 IG Clubs for the past five policy years. Further­more, we also present you the most important facts and figures for the Fixed-Premium faci­li­ties (within and outside the IG).

Please do not hesi­tate to contact us in case of any ques­tions in respect of the report and/or your liabi­lity insurances.


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General Increase Update 2024/25

Our latest General Increase Update gives you an over­view about the general increases and deduc­tible changes announced by the Inter­na­tional Group Club for the P&I rene­wals on 20 February 2024.

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P&I Report 2023/24

We are pleased to provide you with our annual P&I Report 2023/24 in our down­load section.

Our market review briefly summa­rizes the latest deve­lo­p­ments in the P&I insu­rance market and provides you with an outlook for the upco­ming P&I (incl. reinsu­rance) rene­wals. The main section of the report analyses the key finan­cial figures of the 12 IG Clubs for the past five policy years. Further­more, we also present you the most important facts and figures for the Fixed-Premium faci­li­ties (within and outside the IG).

Please do not hesi­tate to contact us in case of any ques­tions in respect of the report and/or your liabi­lity insurances.


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Launch of new corpo­rate website

We are delighted to announce the launch of our newly desi­gned corpo­rate website

Given the diverse demands of our clients and busi­ness part­ners, the archi­tec­ture of the website has been desi­gned to ensure that all rele­vant infor­ma­tion can be found intui­tively with just a few clicks. Brow­sing our website is now more enjoyable and allows visi­tors to have a plea­sant user expe­ri­ence – whether via desktop or mobile devices.

Our exper­tise and quality of service have led GEORG DUNCKER being considered as one of the leading brokerage houses for marine insu­rances in Europe,” said Chris­tian Ross, Mana­ging Partner. “With the launch of our new website, we are pleased to have the oppor­tu­nity to present our brokerage house and services to our custo­mers and part­ners in a unique way.”

We hope you enjoy brow­sing our new website and appre­ciate your feed­back to [email protected].

Dated: June 2023

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General Increase Update 2023/24

Our latest General Increase Update gives you an over­view about the general increases and deduc­tible changes announced by the Inter­na­tional Group Club for the P&I rene­wals on 20 February 2023.

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Office Opening in Rotterdam

We are pleased to announce the opening of our first branch office in the Nether­lands, over­seeing the Benelux area. The office will be located in Rotterdam and managed by two-well known execu­tives of the marine insu­rance industry, Mr. Hans Liem as Director Benelux and Mr. Willem-Jan van Eijsden as Head of Marine Benelux. 

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Georg Duncker predicts tough P&I renewal negotiations

In view of the high pres­sure on the capital invest­ments of the P&I Clubs, the Hamburg insu­rance broker Georg Duncker agrees with his custo­mers to demand even higher premiums for ship liability.

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Find a selection of our recent publications right below

P&I Reports

Every year, we provide our clients with a P&I Report giving a general overview about the marine liability insurance market combined with a detailed financial analysis of each Club's financial performance over the previous five years. After registration, you will have full access to the download folder.

publication publication

Bridge Look-Out Newsletter

The GEORG DUNCKER Bridge Look-Out Newsletter regularly summarises the latest developments in the shipping industry and addresses market trends. Furthermore, the newsletter also informs about insurance-relevant changes and describes current claims information. The Bridge Look-Out is either prepared by our in-house experts or in cooperation with external specialists.


Bridge Look-Out Edition No. 01/25

Bridge Look-Out Edition No. 03/24

Bridge Look-Out Edition No. 02/24

Bridge Look-Out Edition No. 01/25

Bridge Look-Out Edition No. 03/24

Bridge Look-Out Edition No. 02/24

Bridge Look-Out Edition No. 01/24

Bridge Look-Out Edition No. 01/23

Bridge Look-Out Edition No. 02/22

Bridge Look-Out Edition No. 01/22

Bridge Look-Out Edition No. 03/21

Bridge Look-Out Edition No. 02/21

Bridge Look-Out Edition No. 01/21

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