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Claims Manager Marine Insu­rance (m/f/d)

Georg Duncker is one of the world’s leading marine insu­rance brokers, with a history span­ning over 150 years. As a priva­tely owned company with a long mari­time tradi­tion, Georg Duncker employs around 100 employees and handles more than 3,000 ships world­wide. With head­quar­ters in Hamburg and offices in Singa­pore, Houston and Rotterdam, an inter­na­tional mindset and open culture has deve­loped close colla­bo­ra­tion and global outreach servicing markets across the conti­nents. The conti­nuous expan­sion requires committed, loyal employees who contri­bute to the company’s continued success with inno­va­tive ideas. To secure this goal, we are looking for a highly moti­vated Broker Marine Insu­rance (m/f/d) for our office in
Houston, TX.

Your tasks

  • Hand­ling of Hull & Machi­nery, P&I and other related marine insu­rance claims for our inter­na­tional clients and subse­quent nego­tia­tions with insurers
  • Nego­tia­tion, coor­di­na­tion and sett­le­ment of claims with custo­mers and oppon­ents, insu­rers, under­wri­ters, brokers, apprai­sers, banks, autho­ri­ties, lawyers, reco­very compa­nies, shipy­ards etc. – worldwide
  • Prepa­ra­tion of claim-reim­bur­se­ment and loss statis­tics in MS-Office for the insu­rance fields mentioned as well as recon­ci­lia­tion of the statis­tics with the insu­rances and ship­ping compa­nies serving as a base for the renewal negotiations
  • File manage­ment and docu­men­ta­tion of claims
  • Admi­nis­tra­tion of the rele­vant insu­rance docu­ments and coor­di­na­tion of payment tran­sac­tions in the event of claims

Your profile

  • Legally autho­rized to work in the US (US Citi­zen­ship, Employ­ment Autho­riza­tion Docu­ment or Green Card) and holding a P&C license
  • Bachelor’s degree in law or marine related subject master’s degree desirable
  • 3+ years work expe­ri­ence in the mari­time or insu­rance industry and/or field of inter­na­tional claims handling
  • Know­ledge of rele­vant insu­rance conditions
  • High level of accu­racy and sense of responsibility
  • Affi­nity and accu­racy in dealing with numbers in daily business
  • Strong nego­tia­tion, commu­ni­ca­tion, and presen­ta­tion skills
  • High customer- and service orientation
  • Problem-solving atti­tude and taking initia­tives proactively
  • Team Player and ability to colla­bo­rate closely with colle­agues in various offices
  • Profi­ci­ency in MS Office (espe­ci­ally Excel)

Your bene­fits

  • Flexible working hours and the possi­bi­lity to work from home up to 2 days per week
  • Above average vaca­tion entitlement
  • Attrac­tive loca­tion in Uptown Houston with modern office space and ergo­nomic height-adjus­table desks
  • Inter­na­tional working envi­ron­ment and occa­sional trips to Germany
  • Possi­bi­lity to actively shape your own growth and profes­sional deve­lo­p­ment via various trai­ning oppor­tu­ni­ties through internal and external seminars
  • Inte­res­ting and varied tasks in a moti­vated, inter­na­tional team
  • Several company and team events per year

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